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Where I'm at

Writer: Alicia SepulvedaAlicia Sepulveda

Ever heard of the wheel of life? It's a common tool that coaches use to get a sense of where a client or student is at in life. You can do this on your own - draw a circle or make a list with the major areas of your life. I use: Purpose Work, Friends, Money, Relationship, Business, School, Home and Living Space, Travel, Comfort Zone, Energy, Creativity, Health, and Learning. Then you rate each one on a scale of 1-10. I'm going to share where I am at in each of these areas to give you a sense of what my life is like right now. To learn where I've been, check out my other blogposts!

Purpose -9

I currently work at University of Colorado, Boulder where I am an academic coach. I get the opportunity to work with an amazing supervisor and team. Seriously - they have been the best. I get to work with hundreds of college students and help them get clear and confident in their goals, and help them take steps to not only succeed in college, but in life. I also get to have conversations around purpose and it's the best! I feel incredibly valued and supported.

I've been able to build professional relationships who have turned into great friendships. I am part of a research group to study coaching in higher education with Chris, Jessica, Marlin, and Andrea. They have been such a great group to talk about conversations related to the future of coaching in higher education.

I am coming off of a professional high (just made that term up) from this summer. We hosted a summit called The Future of Academic/Success Coaching in Higher Education: A Collaborative Visioning Summit. We had 50 leaders from across the country come together and it was pure magic. We only invited 50 people because we weren't sure if folks would come and we got an incredible response. People stumbled upon the website and were wanting to be part of it. It was literally the coolest thing I've done professionally. People felt like they belonged and that there was finally a space where they could talk about their work with people who understood what they did. Again, pure magic!

I also started life coach training in September. It's been pretty fun so far and I've loved having intentional time to focus on my practice as a coach. I'll keep you posted on how it's going if you are interested.

Business -5

I am preparing to start a business in the next few months, but FOR SURE by January 1st. I'm kind of waiting because of taxes but I'm not sure if it's the smartest thing. I only know a couple people who have done this before and it seems like a pretty big step to create something new. I have a shit-ton of fear in this area. I've read books, listened to podcasts, am going to therapy to reflect on my limiting beliefs, and if you are reading this, have launched my website. But something keeps holding me back. That will change soon.

I want to create a business to increase my capacity to have a bigger impact and increase my earning potential. I want to continue to coach college students, monetize the College Life podcast, and offer consulting services to coaches in higher education. Hoping to partner with really cool folks - more on that in my future vision blog.

Friends - 4

I am still struggling to really develop meaningful relationships in Colorado where I can be myself. I am trying to put myself around groups of people who are pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and doing what they don't believe is possible. I am doing what I can to build the kind of friends who push me, inspire me, challenge me to be better, who dream big, who believe they can have a positive impact on this world, who are willing to look like goofs, and who support me when shit hits the fan. I'm also striving to be that kind of person. But it's hard right now. With all the things I want to achieve, and do, making friends has been kind of on the lower end of my priorities.

Relationship - 9

My relationship with Carlos has been great. He recently invested in DJ equipment (if you need a DJ in Colorado, hit me up!). He has been wanting to do it for so long and I'm so proud of him for investing in himself. He has been really inspiring to me. When I see people trying new things or really going for something or just doing things that really bring them joy, it LIGHTS ME UP. He also has been so supportive of me starting a business and believes in me way more than I believe in myself (which has been common in our relationship and something I deeply appreciate but won't ever understand). I wouldn't be the person I am without him.

Money - 8

Money is all about perspective isn't it? I'm giving it an 8 because we are better off financially than most people in our world. We do have some student loan debt, but we are working diligently to pay them off. We also have prioritized travel and haven't saved up to buy a house. All in all, it's pretty good. But I'm looking to see what else is possible and changing my money mindset along the way. One of the mantras I have in my car is "Money allows me to live an awesome life." - it sure does. But I'm also open to see what financial abundance really looks likes.

School - 5.5

I am working on my PhD. Currently in my 5th year and collecting data right now. It's a blast. But my Chair also wants me to transcribe as many as I can. It's not the most fun, and it's the most time consuming. I'd rather do anything else. But I want to graduate in May 2020. So it's what I have to do. It's a bit lower rating because I have had a negative relationship with it recently. I think that's going to change in the next couple weeks because I am going to invest some more time into it.

Home and Living Space - 6

It's ok. It's a fairly good location, and the space is enough for the 3 of us (me, Carlos and Tuck). I wish I did a better job keeping it clean. But it's just not a priority. We did Marie Kondo style our clothes and that was amazing! I have also taken her question, "Does it bring you joy?" to other areas of my life... and it works. I would also like to buy a house in the future... in Boulder. So I'm going to need something major to change. And buying a house isn't that big of a priority.

Travel -8

I have plans to go to Florida in February for a wedding that I'm really excited about! It will be fun to see friends, and also get some sunshine and warmth in the middle of winter. Overall, I definitely want to have the time, flexibility and resources to travel more.

Comfort Zone - 6

Real talk - I'm trying to stay in it right now. But challenging myself in small ways. When you read this, it will be way up, because putting this website and blog out in the universe is a big step for me!

Regularly, I work out at a Crossfit gym (more on that in health). But it consistently puts me out of my comfort zone.

Energy - 5

My energy overall is pretty good. But I rated myself a little lower because I haven't been meditating. I started meditating regularly about 3 years ago, for about a year. And REALLY COOL THINGS happened. I had less feelings of anxiety, felt more connected to people, and just felt more connected spiritually. I also had more opportunities that came my way, so still trying to make sense as to why I don't make this a habit in my daily life.

Creativity - 5

I decided to put creativity in my wheel of life because I want to make it a priority in my life. Writing actually helps, particularly this blog. I didn't realize it until I spent a couple hours doing 3 blog posts. I feel like I get a lot out of it personally, but someone who is reading it might also get some benefit. So let me know!

Health - 8

It's honestly pretty good. I go to the gym regularly and Crossfit is really pushing me out of my comfort zone, but also just pushing me in general. I am having to use my mantras when I run to keep me going - I use "You are stronger than you think you are" and "You are more capable than you think you are" and I just keep repeating them until I don't need them anymore, or the run (or workout) is over. I'm being challenged daily, and it's changing my body, and making me a better person. I also LOVE being around all these people who are pushing themselves every day to be better and do more than they think they are capable of. It's inspiring on the daily.

I developed a smoothie that is perfect for me. It's delicious, nutritious, and has 2 handfuls of green veggies. I make it 5 mornings of the week. I meal prep most weeks which helps me eat well.

I started going to therapy and am actively challenging my limiting beliefs. They have held me back for too long, and I am ready to move on. I also have a couple drinks every now and then. Trying to limit that.

Spiritual Health could be better. I pray and meditate but they aren't as habitual as I would like. That being said, I am challenging a lot of my beliefs that I grew up around but I think it's making me have a deeper sense of spirituality. It's been life-giving!

Learning - 8

I am reading, learning, doing all the trainings, and reflecting on a regular basis. I read a couple books a month for the most part. But could read a bit more. I love learning and I am trying to be more present in the midst of it, because the learning in and of itself is fun. It's not just about the outcome.


If you had to rate yourself in these areas, or others, where would you be?

If you want to read more about my vision for the future, stay tuned!

Sending you love, positive energy, and the reminder that you are capable of more than you think.



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